Elementary Student Handbook
Fast Facts
- Basic Information
- School Mission
- School Vision
- School Bell Schedule
- School Staff Roster
- Specialists and Certificated Support Staff
- Paraeducators/Classified Support Staff
- School PTO Officers
- Columbia Heights School-Wide Expectations:
Basic Information
School Begins: 8:45 am
Students Dismissed: 3:15 pm
Wednesday Early Dismissal: 2:15 pm
Breakfast served: 8:15 – 8:55 am
School Office Hours: 8:00 am – 4:15 pm
School Phone: 575-7461
Attendance (leave a message after hours): 575-7461
Weather Delays: www.longviewschools.com
School Mission
School Vision
School Bell Schedule
School Staff Roster
Principal...............................................................Christie Hoskins
Secretary...............................................................Krista Coleman
Attendance/Asst. Secretary ................................Gabrielle Kruse Kindergarten ............................................................. Jill Pospichal
Kindergarten ...................................................... Chrissy Swanson
Kindergarten .............................................................Hilarie Evans
First Grade ........................................................Stephanie Zander
First Grade ...........................................................Hailey Reinecke
First Grade ...............................................................Donna Sharp
Second Grade ..................................................Brittney Whitman
Second Grade ............................................................Kacie Sinkler Second Grade………..……………….……………….............Elizabeth Allen
Third Grade ..................................................................Nate Starr
Third Grade………………………………………………………Lindsey Galovin
Third Grade………………………………………………………..…Erin Gregory
Fourth Grade ........................................................Kelsey Rismoen
Fourth Grade………………….................................... …………Patty May
Fifth Grade ................................................................. Josie Elam
Fifth Grade…………………………………………………..…Elizabeth Hadlock
Specialists and Certificated Support Staff
Counselor ...............................................................Bethany Ruhter
District Nurse .............................................................Breann Syron
Library Specialist ..........................................Christopher Anderson
Building Literacy Facilitator...............................Jennifer Cavanaugh
Behavior Specialist………………………………………………….….Dane Wirtz
Math Specialist………………………………………………………Kayla Edwards
Music Specialist ............................................................Teresa Dody
P.E. Specialist.......................................................Nathan McMullan
Psychologist...............................................Shelley Wong-Kamikawa
Speech/Language ....................................................Kristina Legate
Occupational Therapist……………….……………Rebecca Baumgardner
Physical Therapist…………………………….……….….Christopher Reeves
Special Education Resource....................................Brittany Gilliam
Special Education Resource…………………………………..Lacey Brunelle
Special Education Extensive…………….………..………...…Shelby Heston
BCBA/Autism……………………………………………………….….Shelbi Vance
District Vision…………………………………………………………..Misty Wison
Paraeducators/Classified Support Staff
BMP/Day Custodian .....................................................Tim Harris
Night Custodian............................................................... Jon King
Night Custodian………………………………………………………Scott Hughes
Cook/Breakfast and Lunch .......................... Bill Reed & Mellia Flatt
Health Room Assistant ...................................... Tammie Mattison Paraeducator ............................................................... Katie Oliva
Paraeducator...............................................................Sarah Short
Paraeducator...................................................... Deanna Charette
Paraeducator………………….………………………………….….Melanie Buck Paraeducator......................................................... Amy Richmond
Paraeducator…………………….………………………..….………Robin Russell
Paraeducator……………………………………………………….Brianna Nelson
Paraeducator……………………………………………………….……Linda Hahn
Paraeducator………………………………………………...…...Karen Langston
Paraeducator…………………………………………………Lacey Montgomery
Paraeducator…………………………………………………………Megan Russell
Paraeducator……………………………………………………………..Katie Toma
Paraeducator………………………………………………………………Tori Hacke
Paraeducator…………………………………………………..Leigh Ann Puckett
Paraeducator…………………………………………………….…Rachelle Ireton
School PTO Officers
President ........................................................... .Erin Fielding-Ross
Vice President ................................................ …………....Kynsi Culp
Vice President………………………………………………………...Amy Mitchell
Secretary………………………………………………………………..Danica Burns
Treasurer ...................................................................... Kelly Wallin
Columbia Heights School-Wide Expectations:
- Attendance
- Behavior Expectations
- Family Involvement
- Health and Safety
- Is My Child Too Sick To Go To School? - A Guide for Parents
- Meals
- Personal Items at School
- Report Cards
- School Information
- Student Learning
- Math and ELA District Coaches
See District Pages: Attendance for more information.
BECCA (Truancy) State law requires students to be regular and punctual in their attendance. The attendance record becomes a part of your student’s permanent file. A call or note from a parent or guardian is required when students are absent or tardy.
Reporting Absences Please call the school in the morning if your student will be absent. Give your name, your student’s name and the reason for the absence to school staff. If you are unable to call in, please send a note to the school office with a sibling or a neighbor’s student. Include the first and last name of your student and the reason for the absence. There will be an automated message from the School Messenger system if you do not report your student’s absence before a certain time.
If you receive an automated call, please call the school office and let them know the reason for the absence.
Tardiness Please arrange your home schedule so that your student will arrive at school on time, ready to begin the day with their classmates. If your student will be late to school, please call the office. If you are unable to call, a written note is required. Tardy students must report to the office before going to the classroom. If a student has five unexcused tardies, a conference will be scheduled with the principal or attendance officer.
If your student is arriving late and needs a school lunch, it must be ordered by a certain time. Ask your school secretary for this detail.
Reverse tardies are counted the same as regular tardies due to the time missed from class. A reverse tardy is when a student is picked up early. Depending on how much time is missed it could count as a half day absence.
Students who come late to school or leave early but who otherwise are in attendance daily do not qualify for 100% attendance.
Perfect Attendance Students qualify for perfect attendance if they are present at school 100% of their school day. The student also needs to attend on all days that school is in session.
Students with perfect attendance will be recognized with a certificate at the end of the year. Community partners may donate prizes for rewarding perfect attendance. Check with the school office for more information.
Early Dismissal Students will be released one hour early on Wednesdays during the school year. Teachers will use the extra hour to work together to plan for improvement of student learning. Students will also be released early during: Fall and spring conferences, the day before Thanksgiving break, the day before Winter break, the day before Spring break and the last day of school. See the school district calendar for details.
Student Pickup During School Day A parent or guardian must sign their student out at the office for appointments. Students may not be picked up directly from the classroom or playground during the day. Either call or send a note with your student on the morning of the appointment. On this note include your student’s name and room number. When you come to the office, your student will be called from the classroom. Allow extra time if your student is at recess or in another classroom at the time.
Let the secretary know ahead of time if you are sending someone else to pick up your student. Your student will not be released, unless the person is identified as approved for pick up.
Photo identification is required for anyone picking up a student.
Students may not be picked up early by older siblings unless special arrangements are made ahead of time by the parent or guardian. Please inform the office if arrangements are necessary.
For additional information, please see Longview School District Policy #3440 or RCW 28A.605.010.
Withdrawal from school If you are withdrawing your student from school, please inform the classroom teacher and the office at least one week before your student’s last day. Please let the office of your student’s new school know that they need to request a transfer of your student’s records. Parents or guardians will come to the office at the end of the last day to pick up your student’s withdrawal form, clean out their desk and remove personal items, and return equipment and books. All library books must be returned to the library. Any outstanding fines must be paid.
Students who miss school twenty days in a row will be withdrawn from school at the end of that time period, as required by state law. Students will be reenrolled when they return.
Weather Delays Information about school closures or delays will be posted before 6 am. No information will be reported if school is operating on a regular schedule. A late start means that all elementary, middle, and high schools will start two hours later than normal. On late start days, buses will run two hours later than normal for all students. Lowland bus routes, when used, will be in effect in the morning and announced by noon for the afternoon runs. See District Pages: Safety/Security for more information.
Behavior Expectations
See District Pages: Discipline Guidelines and Hazing,
Harassment, Bullying, and Intimidations for more information.
Student Behavioral Guidelines Your student will be taught the expectations of our school. Students will learn and practice these expectations through guidance and discussions during the school year. These expectations are taught in order to maintain a safe and respectful environment at school. We believe all students and staff need to be respectful of each other.
Dress Code Student dress and grooming must be neat, clean and appropriate in order to maintain a productive learning environment. Dress and appearance that disrupt the educational process or present health or safety problems are not permitted. The school’s principal has the final say about whether or not a student’s attire is appropriate. Those in violation of clothing guidelines will be required to call home for a change of clothing. These guidelines apply at all school functions or activities.
Clothing not appropriate for school includes:
- Platform shoes, high heels, flip flops, and sandals. Students wearing these shoes cannot play on the playground during recess due to safety hazard and will need to call home for P.E. shoes.
- Sheer or see-through clothing worn as the primary garment and spaghetti-strap tops.
- Tanks that show underwear, straps, or are loose enough that chests are exposed during normal school activity such as climbing bars at recess or bending to pick up pencils in classrooms. Tank tops may be worn if they fit correctly.
- Shirts and tops that are low-cut, short, or show excessive chest skin or the student’s midriff, including crop tops, tube tops and halter-tops.
- Mini-skirts, low-rider pants or any clothing that exposes underwear or excessive skin.
- Bathing suits, including tops or briefs.
- Gang-like clothing, including sagging pants, shorts, other oversized clothing, and bandanas.
- Clothing which displays messages which are libelous, obscene, profane, or demeaning to any race, religion, sex, or ethnic group, or which advocate the violation of the law.
- Hats and hoods are acceptable school attire outside on the playground but must not be worn in the building or in classrooms.
- Excessive jewelry or accessories including chains and dangling belts are not allowed.
- Costumes are not allowed at school at any time except as part of a school program or presentation.
Office Referrals Behavioral issues that cannot be handled in the classroom will be referred to the office.
Family Involvement
See District Pages: Family Access and Parent Involvement for more information.
Messages from School Skyward/Family Access allows schools to send school announcements and messages through email to parents with an email address on file.
Announcements are general in nature, and may not apply to all students. See District Pages: Flash Alert for more information.
Community Liaison The school’s community liaison is a staff member who works to establish good communication between staff, community agencies, and families. Responsibilities include working with families to encourage better attendance, helping children be better prepared for school, and assisting families in ways that will help make our school successful. Not all schools have a liaison.
Parent-Teacher Conferences For elementary schools: In late October, school will be dismissed for 2 ½ days to provide time for each classroom teacher to meet with parents, guardians and students. Student progress will be discussed and it is important that parents or guardians attend these conferences. In March, school will be dismissed three hours early for two days, for a limited number of parent-teacher conferences. Any other conferences will be held at the request of parents or teachers. Students should remain home or sit quietly with parents during conferences. They will not able to wait in the office or play on the playground. There is no supervision in the office or on the playground during this time.
Parent Participation We value parent involvement in our school. Contact our PTO/PTA to learn more about what they do and how they support our school. Contact your student’s teacher for questions, concerns, or about volunteering in the classroom. Contact our principal about being a parent representative on a District committee. Ask your secretary for a CHAMPS volunteer application. See District Pages: Volunteers for more information.
Open House/Family Nights Family Night provides students and families the chance to participate in events and activities sponsored by the school and/or the PTO/PTA. These events provide opportunities for families to become more involved in the education of their students.
Parent Teacher Organization/Parent Teacher Association The PTO/PTA plans social activities and fundraisers to help support learning for students. These funds are used to enrich school programs, supplement playground equipment, and provide assemblies or theater performances. All PTO/PTA meetings are open to the student’s family. Please contact the organization president, refer to the district calendar, or contact the school office for additional information.
Health and Safety
See District Pages: Vaccines and Safety/Security for more information.
Emergency Contact Information Keep the school office informed of any changes of your address, home phone, work phone, and emergency numbers. It is important that the school office has accurate contact information to reach parents if an injury or illness happens during school hours. Send a note with any changes or call the school office.
Buses/Walking When riding the bus to school every day
and/or on field trips, students are expected to comply with Longview School District transportation rules.
Students walking to and from school should observe safe walking practices, using safe walking paths, crosswalks, and streetlights.
Handrail, Ramp, and Stairs Safety Students are expected to use all handrails, ramps, and stairs in a safe manner. Any action that threatens the safety of your student or others is not allowed. Examples of this would be climbing, sitting, jumping, playing, sliding, or hanging.
Leaving School Grounds A student will not be allowed to leave school grounds during school hours unless they have permission from a custodial parent or legal guardian. This is for their safety. The school will notify the police immediately if a child leaves school grounds without permission. A parent or legal guardian will be notified immediately after the police.
Change of Routine Send a note with your student if he/she is going home a different way than normal. This note informs the school and also helps the student remember the change in routine. Have your student give it to the office secretary.
We encourage parents to inform the classroom teacher when there is a change at home that may affect their student’s academics or social interactions.
Animals and Pets No pets are allowed on school grounds due to student allergies and disruption of learning. This also includes before and after school. There may be an exception, if you make arrangements with the classroom teacher and principal in advance.
Extra Clothing In accordance with state and CDC (Centers for Disease Control) guidelines, the school does not have a supply of recycled clothing. When accidents happen at school requiring a change of clothes for your student, all attempts will be made to contact families, followed by names you have indicated as emergency contacts, for a change of clothing. If you believe an accident might occur, please send a change of clothing with your student.
Students must wear appropriate shoes and clothing for the weather and for P.E. activities. Coats and jackets left in Lost and Found are not considered “shared clothing”. They are not loaned to students who are without cold weather clothing.
Health Services Students who become ill during the school day are sent to the office. Office staff will assess your student’s condition and contact parents if the student is ill enough to go home.
These symptoms would include a student with a temperature of 100 degrees or higher, vomiting or diarrhea, a bad cold or cough, a severe sore throat, drainage or redness in their eyes, a bothersome rash, or are injured or recovering from surgery. If your student has had a fever, do not send them to school until they have been free of the fever without fever reducing medication for 24 hours. Do not send your student to school until they have been free from vomiting or diarrhea for 24 hours. Some rashes may spread to others and should be checked by a health care provider. Students with persistent or hacking cough, or a severe sore throat may need to be seen by a health care provider. These symptoms may be a sign of a more severe illness.
It is required by law that the school be notified of any student with a health condition that is potentially life- threatening (ie: diabetes, seizures, severe asthma, severe allergy requiring emergency medication at school, like an epipen, or others). The student must have an emergency care plan in place, emergency medication at school (if required), with necessary paperwork. Please contact the school nurse immediately for assistance with this process.
In case of an accident, only a parent, family doctor or someone with written approval may authorize emergency treatment beyond general first aid procedures. It is essential that we have at least two emergency contact names and phone numbers on file, in addition to parent/guardian names in case you cannot be contacted.
Please contact your school if your student has any unusual medication condition or new medical that has not been reported. Also, please notify the school if your child has had an injury or illness that affects how they participate in the school day, (limitations or restrictions). A doctor’s note may be required.
Head Lice While head lice can be a nuisance they have not been shown to spread disease. Personal hygiene or cleanliness in the home or school has nothing to do with getting head lice. If a school staff member sees eggs or live lice on your student, you will be notified and information about treatment will be sent home with your student at the end of the day. After treatment has started, students will return to school and come to the office to have their heads checked before school starts. Please contact the school nurse for more information.
Health Related Absence Reporting System Schools track student illness information to better understand absenteeism rates. When you call in your student’s absence you will be asked what illness your student has to cause his/her absence. Conditions may include: asthma or asthma-like symptoms, cold symptoms, dental conditions, family emergency, flu, fever, headache, injury, stomach and intestinal issues.
Medications at School District Parents are encouraged to give medications at home if possible. If a student must receive medication during the school day, the parent must complete a form giving written authority and instructions to the school principal. The parent must also provide a completed authorization form from a licensed health professional with the authority to prescribe such medications. Both forms are available in the office.
Medication must be in the original containers, and parents may not alter instructions for administering medication. No medication can remain in the building during summer closure, and if they are not picked up on the last day of school will be disposed of.
Over-the-counter medications may not be shared and are not allowed at school unless completed permission forms are on file in the office. ALL medications (including over-the- counter medications) brought to school without proper permission forms will be labeled and locked in the health room cabinet until the parent can come to school and pick it up.
Health Room A health office assistant is in each building’s health office full time. A registered nurse is in the district available for consultation as needed. The health office staff conducts routine vision and hearing screening, required by law, for grades K, 1, 2, 3, 5 and 7, and all other students that are of concern. The school will immediately notify parents if there is a problem. A limited screening is done for all students referred for special services. All students’ health records are reviewed to make sure they are up to date with state immunization requirements. In addition, the health conditions of all students are reviewed.
Recess and Health Problems If your student is well enough to come to school, it is expected they are well enough to go outside during recesses.
Exceptions will be made for students who have confirmed health conditions or are coming back from an extended illness. These students will be excused from recess if they have a note from their doctor. Students who forget coats are not allowed to stay inside during outside recesses.
School Psychologist /School Counselor Elementary psychologists and counselors are specially trained to help parents and teachers work with children whose social, emotional or other difficulties are interfering with their learning. Psychologists and counselors can help with a wide variety of problems by working with children individually, in a small group setting, or with an entire classroom. They also consult with staff, parents and outside agencies.
Referrals to the psychologist or counselor can be made by school staff, parents, or students. Some students, after evaluation by the building staff, may need more help than is available in the regular academic program. A referral (with parent approval) can be made to the special education department. An evaluation will be completed and, if the student qualifies, a special program may be suggested. Parents should check with the school psychologist or counselor for information about school-based mental health services.
Is My Child Too Sick To Go To School? - A Guide for Parents
APPEARANCE/ BEHAVIOR - Unusually tired, no appetite, hard to wake, or confused.
EYES - If there is drainage, vision change, and/or redness of the eyelid, itching, pain, or sensitivity to light. This may be a sign of "pink eye" (Conjunctivitis) and the student should be checked by a health care provider.
FEVER - Temperature of I 00 degrees Fahrenheit (38 degrees C) or higher. Students need to be fever free for 24 hours before returning to school WITHOUT medications to reduce fever.
BAD COLD AND/OR COUGH - Students need to be able to cover their cough to be at school. If a cough or cold persists for more than 2 weeks, the student may need to be seen by a health care provider.
DIARRHEA - 2 or more watery stools in 24 hours, especially if the student acts or looks ill. Students should stay home for 24 hours after the last watery stool.
VOMITING - Vomiting 2 or more times in 24 hours. Students should stay home for 24 hours after the last time they vomited.
RASH- Bothersome body rash, especially with fever or itching. Some rashes may spread to others and should be checked by a health care provider.
INJURY/ SURGERY - If students are unable to concentrate due to pain or pain medication, they should stay home. Please have your health care provider contact the school nurse to help your child safely return to school. Letting the school nurse know in advance of any planned surgery will be helpful.
STILL HAVE QUESTIONS about whether or not your student is healthy enough to come to school? Contact the school nurse or your child's health care provider.
Keeping ill students at home, encouraging frequent hand washing, and covering coughs protects everyone, including those with fragile immune systems.
Students are expected to participate in all parts of the school day including recess or PE. If your doctor has restricted activity please send a doctor's note, for example: "No contact sports x I week."
Thank you for your support to keep students safe & healthy.
10/2014 Adopted from Edmonds School District, Seattle Public Schools and OSPI, Infectious Disease Control Guide for School Staff, 2014
See District Pages: Nutrition/Wellness for more information.
Meals At School
Breakfast and lunch prices are subject to change; call Nutrition Services at 575-7172 for current prices. Deposits to student meal accounts may be made each morning in the gym, in the office, and in your student’s classroom. Make checks payable to (your school name) Elementary School Cafeteria, and include your student’s name on the memo line. A student with a negative balance in their meal account will not receive a report card until the balance is paid. Notice is given to students whose accounts are nearing a zero balance or have a negative balance. If a student does not have money for meals, a charge will be allowed for up to three days.
If you have questions about your student’s account, please call Nutrition Services at 575-7172. Due to health reasons, students are not allowed to trade food at school. This includes school breakfasts or lunches as well as lunches from home.
Breakfast is served each morning. Check with your school to see what time your student should arrive to be served breakfast. Adults may escort their students to the gym, but may not stay with their students during breakfast. If students arrive too late for breakfast, they should eat at home. Please make sure students eat breakfast at home or arrive in plenty of time to eat breakfast at school. This helps students get the day’s learning off to a great start.
Students eat lunch in their classroom.
Personal Items at School
Bikes and Scooters To promote student and staff safety, bikes and scooters must be walked on school grounds. Bike racks are available for locking up bikes and scooters during the school hours. Helmets are highly recommended for all riders.
Skateboards, roller blades, and wheeled shoes Skateboards, roller blades, and wheeled shoes (heelies) are not allowed at school.
Cash at School Due to the potential for loss or theft, we ask students to leave cash at home, except for fundraiser or lunch money. For any other cash at school, students are asked to leave money in the office in a sealed envelope marked with their name and amount. Money may be picked up at the end of the school day. The staff is not responsible for loss or theft of cash.
Valuables Students who bring personal items from home do so at their own risk. Due to the potential for loss or theft, we ask students to leave valuables at home. If valuables are brought to school, they should be brought to the school office for safe keeping and picked up at the end of the day. The staff is not responsible for loss or theft of valuables.
Gum, candy, trading cards, toys There are only a few occasions when an individual teacher might permit gum, candy, trading cards, or toys in the classroom, such as show and tell or state testing. These items are not allowed at school or on the playground at any other time. This includes toys that might be sold or traded on campus after school. The staff is not responsible for loss or theft of valuables.
Cell phones and electronic devices Your Elementary School recognizes that cell phones and other electronic devices are not essential to the daily educational process, and should be left at home. Electronic devices include cameras, music and CD players, Gameboys, etc. If brought to school they must be checked in at the office before school and picked up after school. These devices are not allowed in the classroom or at recess.
See District Pages: Electronic Devices for more information.
Lost and Found Marking children’s clothing and other belongings with first and last names makes it easier to identify items in the Lost and Found. Please check the Lost and Found routinely for lost articles. Large items, such as coats, sweaters, and jackets will be donated to a charitable organization on a regular basis. Smaller items such as jewelry, glasses, keys, locks, small change, etc. are kept in the office. If an item is not claimed before the end of the year, the finder may ask for the lost item(s).
Special Deliveries to Students The delivery of gift boxes, baskets, candy bouquets, balloon bouquets, and other gift items can be distraction to other students in class. If you would like to deliver a gift for your student for a special holiday or event, please bring the item to the office. Your student will be notified of the special delivery and will be able to pick it up a few minutes before the end of the school day.
Report Cards
School Information
School Day Staff members are busy preparing for your student’s learning before and after school. Students should not arrive too early. Check with your school to see what time is best for your student to arrive. Students are expected to leave school grounds at the end of the school day unless involved in supervised after-school activities or events. If you are unable to pick up your student after school, please notify the office of any alternate arrangements. When a student is not picked up, parents and emergency contacts are notified. If a child is not picked up within one hour from dismissal, community agencies such as Longview Police and Child Protective Services may be notified. No student should return to campus until after 5:30 PM unless supervised by an adult.
Change/Cash on Hand The school office does not keep change or cash on hand. Please be prepared to pay exact amounts in cash or by check for school items, fundraiser items, school pictures, yearbooks, or events.
Fines/Fees Students are responsible for textbooks assigned to them, for library books checked out to them, and for other school equipment they use. Students will be fined for damages as a result of improper treatment or loss. Books should be carried in a plastic bag in rainy weather and kept out of the reach of pets and small children. Report cards are withheld until all fines are paid.
Parties Individual teachers determine which parties will be held in their classroom during the school year. Due to Health Department concerns for the health and welfare of all our students, home treats are not allowed at school. C.H.A.M.P.S. approved volunteers may be enlisted to help with classroom parties. Students bringing birthday treats must have enough store or bakery treats for all students in the class. Please check with the teacher for an appropriate time prior to bringing treats. Check in at the office before bringing treats to your student’s classroom.
The school does not give out personal student information for any reason. Student gift exchanges are not permitted.
School Phone The office telephone is for school business and emergency calls only. Student use is limited, and students are discouraged from using the phone for forgotten homework, supplies, or musical instruments.
Student Messages School dismissal time is very hectic. We ask that you share special instructions for the day with your student before they leave for school. If your plans change during the day, please allow enough time for that message to get to your student before dismissal.
Student Placement/Teacher requests Teacher
requests for the future-year are not permitted. If you have a specific reason why a student should not be placed with a particular teacher or classroom, you may write a letter to the principal with a reason why this placement may interfere with your student’s learning. Decisions for placement are based on student behavior, academics, boy to girl ratios, as well as teacher-to-student compatibility.
Transfer Requests Students who live within the Longview School District boundary area but not within this school’s attendance area may apply for an in-district transfer. Forms are available on the District website. Approval is dependent upon space available, attendance, and student behavior.
Visitors – Adults Families are always welcome to visit the school. Please make arrangements with the teacher before your visit. Check in at the office and obtain a visitors pass to wear in the building. Adult visitors to the school are expected to be role models for students, and we appreciate support from adult visitors in observing all school guidelines. Visitors are asked to silence or turn off cell phones and to refrain from texting during their visit. This helps to minimize distraction to students and teachers.
See District Pages: Visitors for more information.
Visitors – Students School-age visitors cannot attend classes with friends. These visitors are a distraction that disrupt student learning.
Student Learning
Homework The purpose of homework is to increase student achievement. Homework can be used to develop good study habits, give students practice for skill-building, and may be used as preparation for new learning. Parents can support their student’s learning by providing an organized place and consistent schedule for doing homework. Classroom teachers will send home a letter at the beginning of each school year explaining the individual classroom homework procedure.
If your student is absent for more than two days, homework requests may be made at the office. This should be done in the morning to allow enough time for the teacher to prepare the requested work and have it ready.
Field Trips When an off-campus field trip requiring busing is scheduled, parents will be notified and a signed permission slip will be needed for students to participate. Students who do not return signed permission slips will be unable to participate, and permission by phone will not be accepted. Parents wishing to volunteer for field trips must be C.H.A.M.P.S. approved through the District office. Permission slips are not required for “campus” activities, occurring on Longview School District grounds, such as attending a theater production at R.A. Long High School.
Library Students come to the library for regularly scheduled library skill lessons and for book checkout. In addition to regular class and checkout times, the library is open during the school day for individual student use and class research projects. Students are encouraged to read for both pleasure and information. The number of books checked out to students varies from grade to grade.
Students are asked to be responsible in caring for books and returning them on time. All library books are expected to be returned in the same condition as when they were checked out. If a book is lost or damaged, it is the student’s responsibility to pay for a replacement. Until the fine is paid, students will not be able to check out books or receive their end of year report card. Library fines follow students to other schools they attend in the Longview School District.
Parents and families are also encouraged to use the library. Each may set up his/her own library account and check out books after school.
Music All students are given instruction in music skills each week. All students participate in one music program per year, either winter or spring. At the completion of the music program, parents may check their students out before the end of the school day. Please note that students will be marked reverse tardy for the missed portion of their day.
Physical Education The P.E. program provides students with an opportunity to develop flexibility, fitness, and physical skills. Students will gain knowledge of a variety of sports and games. Student also learn how to cooperate, become team players, encourage their classmates to do well, and assess how well they have performed in class. Please help your child remember to wear appropriate shoes on P.E. days to avoid missing activities. At the end of the school year, students can participate in a half-day fun/field day supervised by teachers and C.H.A.M.P.S. approved volunteers.
Reading The primary role of the Literacy Facilitator is to provide specialized language arts instruction for kindergarten through fifth-grade students. The Literacy Specialist is as a resource person for classroom teachers and assists with curriculum planning and evaluation. This person may coordinate ELL eligibility determination and support intervention services. The Literacy Facilitator assists with gathering reading data, and works with grade level teams.
Math and ELA District Coaches
The Primary role of the district coaches to support teachers in Kindergarten through 5th grade to improve teaching and learning across all elementary schools. The coaches are periodically in classrooms, working with students and implementing best practices through “studio professional development” which is a hands-on learning experience for teachers.
English Language Learner Program (ELL) All students
registering in the Longview School District must complete a Washington State Home Language Survey. Academic support is available for students whose first language is not English.
Special Education Special education is specially designed instruction that addresses the unique needs of a student eligible to receive special education services. Special education is provided at no cost to parents and includes the related services a student needs to access her/his educational program. The district follows a Student Support Team Process (SST) to ensure students are provided with appropriate interventions prior to making a referral for evaluation. The SST will refer a student for an evaluation of a suspected disability. Students determined eligible for special education services must meet all three of the following criteria:
- The student must have a disability or disabilities.
- The student's disability/disabilities adversely affect educational performance.
- The student’s unique needs cannot be addressed through education in general education classes alone – with or without individual accommodations and requires specially designed instruction (SDI).
Section 504 is federal law that protects the civil constitutional rights of students with disabilities. A student’s disability does not automatically make a student eligible under Section 504. The disability must “substantially limit” the student’s participation in or access to what IDEA refers to as “major life activities” or “bodily functions”.
Testing To monitor the academic progress of students, formal and informal assessments or tests are given throughout the year. The results of these tests are to follow student achievement and to influence instructional decisions in the District. It is recommended that all students get a good night’s sleep and eat a good breakfast prior to testing days.